It is possible to convert a FLV file, like the ones you get from youtube or other tube websites, to MP3.
You can use ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i movie.flv -f mp3 sound.mp3 |
ffmpeg -i movie.flv -f mp3 sound.mp3
If you have not installed ffmpeg, open a terminal and type
Tested and workin on Ubuntu 11.10!
Is almost easier than Windows.
In order to count files in a directory in linux, the command to execute is:
ls -l [directory] | grep ^- | wc -l |
ls -l [directory] | grep ^- | wc -l
ls -l gets you a detailed list of the directory content
grep ^- filters the output of the first command showing all the lines beginning with –
wc -l counts lines after executing the first 2 commands
If you wanted to count only directories you can execute the following command:
ls -l [directory] | grep ^d | wc -l |
ls -l [directory] | grep ^d | wc -l
Provato su Excel 2007 ma dovrebbe funzionare su tutte le versioni.
Se volete esportare un grafico direttamente da excel potete utilizzare questo script VBA che ho originariamente trovato su . Purtroppo la versione descritta in quel sito non funzionava. Questa è la versione corretta.
Sub ExportChart()
Dim sChartName As String
Dim sPrompt As String
Dim sDefault As String
If ActiveSheet Is Nothing Then GoTo ExitSub
If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then GoTo ExitSub
sPrompt = "Chart will be exported into directory of active workbook."
sPrompt = sPrompt & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
sPrompt = sPrompt & "Enter a file name for the chart, "
sPrompt = sPrompt & "including an image file extension (e.g., .png, .gif)."
sDefault = ""
sChartName = Application.InputBox(sPrompt, "Export Chart", sDefault, , , , , 2)
If Len(sChartName) = 0 Then GoTo ExitSub
If sChartName = "False" Then GoTo ExitSub
Select Case True
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".PNG"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".GIF"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".JPG"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".JPE"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 5)) = ".JPEG"
Case Else
sChartName = sChartName & ".png"
End Select
If (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & sChartName) <> "" Then Exit Do
sPrompt = "A file named '" & sChartName & "' already exists."
sPrompt = sPrompt & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
sPrompt = sPrompt & "Select a unique file name, "
sPrompt = sPrompt & "including an image file extension (e.g., .png, .gif)."
sDefault = sChartName
ActiveChart.Export ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & sChartName
End Sub |
Sub ExportChart()
Dim sChartName As String
Dim sPrompt As String
Dim sDefault As String
If ActiveSheet Is Nothing Then GoTo ExitSub
If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then GoTo ExitSub
sPrompt = "Chart will be exported into directory of active workbook."
sPrompt = sPrompt & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
sPrompt = sPrompt & "Enter a file name for the chart, "
sPrompt = sPrompt & "including an image file extension (e.g., .png, .gif)."
sDefault = ""
sChartName = Application.InputBox(sPrompt, "Export Chart", sDefault, , , , , 2)
If Len(sChartName) = 0 Then GoTo ExitSub
If sChartName = "False" Then GoTo ExitSub
Select Case True
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".PNG"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".GIF"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".JPG"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 4)) = ".JPE"
Case UCase$(Right(sChartName, 5)) = ".JPEG"
Case Else
sChartName = sChartName & ".png"
End Select
If (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & sChartName) <> "" Then Exit Do
sPrompt = "A file named '" & sChartName & "' already exists."
sPrompt = sPrompt & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
sPrompt = sPrompt & "Select a unique file name, "
sPrompt = sPrompt & "including an image file extension (e.g., .png, .gif)."
sDefault = sChartName
ActiveChart.Export ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & sChartName
End Sub
Una volta che avete associato questa macro ad una combinazione di tasti tipo “CTRL+E” un popup vi chiederà di con che nome volete salvare il file e con che estensione. Il file verrà salvato nella stessa cartella del file excel.
Per contare i files all’interno di una directory linux il comando è:
ls -l [directory] | grep ^- | wc -l |
ls -l [directory] | grep ^- | wc -l
ls -l fa la lista dettagliata del contenuto della directory
grep ^- filtra l’output del primo comando mostrando tutte le righe che iniziano con –
wc -l conta le linee in output dai primi 2 comandi
Se voleste contare solo le directory potreste lanciare il comando:
ls -l [directory] | grep ^d | wc -l |
ls -l [directory] | grep ^d | wc -l
WinRM 1.1 che si installa su Windows XP per la gestione remota risponde di default sulla porta 80. Per poter modificare la porta è necessario lanciare 2 comandi che rispettivamente cancellano il listener sulla porta 80 e lo ricreano sulla porta a vostra discrezione.
I comandi sono:
winrm delete winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP
winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP @{port="[porta]"} |
winrm delete winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP
winrm create winrm/config/listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTP @{port="[porta]"}